Wednesday, 27 February 2013

All My Life...

When I started this blog I wanted it to be a place to exhibit what life is like for me, for a 21st century Priest, for a heavy metal fan, and for someone who is a comical disaster practically and domestically (especially in my car!). I seem to end up in situations which others find somewhat unusual and at times comical. And as people still keep telling me to write down some of the randomness that is my life, I will be doing that from now on...well sometimes, you don't really want to know everything!!..well maybe you do, but hey!
 It's basically going to be what I think others might find interesting, unusually, or might even make you smile or 'lol' as we say in the facebook world, so it's not going to be a list of everything I get up to in my working life, my home life, or my social life. I'm telling you this so that those with no connection with the Church don't lump me in with their 'Vicar of Dibley' view of vicars that rarely do any work!!..though I have to say I do love her and the show anyway!

Today seems a perfect day to start these little snippets into my life as it's been as random as usual.....
  [as I said, this isn't everything I've done today, it's about 6:00pm and as well as what's listed below, I've planned a Lent Group session, planned a Youth Group session, visited someone ill, met someone to pass on a large toy train I'd sold online on behalf of one of the Churches in the Parish, been to the local Royal Mail sorting office to pick up a package, topped up the screen-wash in my car, washed my clothes and bedding and hung them out to dry, emptied the bins, chatted with family on the phone, etc. and this evening I'll reply to some work emails and sort a few bits out, get something to eat, watch some TV, chat with some more friends and family, sort through some things randomly stored in my garage, etc. Like I said, this is really just a snippet..]

So....My first new experience of the day was riding in a hearse (following a funeral, obviously!)..I've never been in one before. I want to say it felt strange, but it didn't (I'm around death a lot, so I guess it's not always such a big deal as it is for others).  To be honest, I was more impressed by the fact the driver got out of his seat and out of the car to open the door for me both when I was getting in and charming!

I then got home and attempted to get on with the simple household chore that is washing up...I say 'simple', I managed to cut my finger quite badly so that it was still bleeding an hour later!! I didn't cut it on a sharp knife. I didn't even cut it on all the smashed glass I soon found at the bottom of the washing up bowl! But I cut it, as you do, on a mug!!!!

Later I opened up my mail. It was a book I'd ordered from amazon, but not just that..oh no, to my surprize, was another envelop inside the envelope I'd already opened. Was this second envelop addressed to me??..Oh no, it was addressed to someone else completely, but who also happens to live just around the corner from my place!!! How random!!! It already had a stamp on, a first class Christmas stamp to be precise, so I put on my headphones, plugged in my iPod and walked to the post box to post it on.

Next, I was planning an assembly I'm doing tomorrow for Great Coates Primary School. I haven't been in since Lent started, so even though Ash Wednesday was a couple of weeks ago now, I want to tell them about the Christian practice of making the sign of the Cross on the forehead in ash to mark the start of Lent. Again, you would think this is easy enough, but this is me! You normally make the ash with the previous years palm crosses but I didn't have any to hand so I went to my recycling box and found out some old DCC (District Church Council) meeting papers. I put them into a plastic box from a Chinese take-away (yes vicars always use such sacred things in work related tasks!!), and you can guess what happened....Yes, that's right, THE PLASTIC BOX ALSO SET ON FIRE, which was on my WOODEN kitchen table, and before you know it, MASSIVE FLAMES, right there in the middle of my kitchen!!'d think I'd learn from past mishaps, but no, it was all to similar to the 'setting on fire to half my bedroom' incident of my teens..the less said about that, the better!! Anyway, obviously I filled some glasses with water and threw it all over, and now I'm left with melted plastic stuck onto my lovely dining table :( ...and a house that smells like half of Grimsby fire brigade have been round...which they haven't, honest!

And yes, for anyone wondering, this is a typical day in the life of, as we say in Church, so help me God! :-)

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

I will wait for this Moment

A new program of spiritual events for 2013 has been put together for the parish, by various people.  I don't want my blog to become a space simply for advertising events (and it certainly won't!), but as this is the first time the parish have put together something like this, I thought it would be useful to highlight it here (in the same way I highlighted the first of these events which was held yesterday), as I know some people across Grimsby (as well as much further!) do read this and as we want as many people locally to know about this as possibly, it seems the right thing to do. These events range from Quiet Days and Afternoons to workshops on Personality Types and their implications, and from Art Days to Meditation sessions (some aimed at adults and some aimed at children and families).  As well as this, a series of Poetry evenings has been put together too and I've included the info about that at the bottom of this post.

I wont bang on anymore then, I'll just list the events below and you can contact me or those named at the bottom of this list, if you want to know more.


The Soul Types series:

  [Based on personality types and how this affects your life - Just how often have you noticed the remarkable differences between people? How many times have you wondered why? Why is it that some people thrive on spontaneity while others draw up plans and stick to them? How many of your friends have an eye for the detail of what is, and how many for what possibilities the future may hold?  If you are interested in the many and real differences between people, or want to grow in your own self-understanding, this Soul Types series based on the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, led by David McCormick, is for you.]
  £10 each (or £35 for all 4 sessions), refreshments included, bring your own lunch - St.Michael's Church, Great Coates Road, DN34 4ND.
  You do not need to attend all sessions, but if you wish to attend any of the others then you must attend the first session (Sat 16th March) as this will include finding out your personality type, which will be needed for the other workshops.
  • Knowing Me Knowing You: Finding your Personality Type - a basic introductory workshop - Saturday 16th March, 10:00am - 5:00pm,
  • Spiritual Pathways for Everyday People - Saturday 11th May, 10:00am - 5:00 pm
  • Conflict, Meaning & the Dynamics of Human Personality - Saturday 28th September, 9:30am - 4:30 pm
  • Change, Uncertainty and New Beginnings: Insights from Personality Type - Saturday 9th November, 10:00am - 5:00 pm.

Relax and Reflect Quiet Days and Afternoons:
  [Give yourself a break from your busy life to relax and regenerate your soul with one of our Quiet Days or Afternoons. These give you an opportunity for a time of relaxation and reflection in a safe, informal environment. The sessions begin with a relaxation exercise, followed by a guided meditation. Other activities which take place include themed thoughts, thought provoking readings, time for reflection, quiet time, crafts, circle dancing, books to read, etc. These sessions also offer a gentle way into the concepts of Christianity. There is also always time for a drink, a chat and some delicious home-made cakes!]
Quiet Days –
  10:00am-4:00pm, FREE (donations gratefully accepted), with bring and share lunch - Bullring, Bradley, DN37 OAE.
  • Peace and Forgiveness - Saturday 23rd February,
  • Joy - Saturday 22nd June.
Quite Afternoons –
  1:00pm-4:00pm, £3, drinks and home-made cake included - St.Michael's Church, Great Coates Road, DN34 3ND.
  • Spring, Easter, and Glory - Saturday 13th April, and Sunday 14th April (this is the same event, running 2 consecutive days),
  • Harvest and Autumn - Saturday 12th October.

For adults –
  [It has long been recognised that various forms of meditation can have physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits. Consequently meditation can be practiced for either therapeutic purposes or as part of spiritual formation. This course aims to explore various techniques and develop the participants' knowledge and confidence in the practice of meditation with a view to accessing the therapeutic benefits and provide a foundation for the exploration of the spiritual dimension. Led by Reverend David McCormick TSSF]
  12:45pm-2:00pm, FREE (donations gratefully accepted) - St.Nicolas' Vicarage, Great Coates Road, DN37 9NS.
  • Discover Meditation: a 6 week course for beginners and those seeking a refresher - Tuesday 16th April, 23rd April, 30th April, 7th May, 14th May, and 21st May.
For children –
  [Meditation for children seeks to help children relax with mindful activities. This course aims to equip participants with the skills and confidence to practice meditation through age-appropriate sessions for children and their parents. Meditation benefits children in a range of ways, from improving sleep, managing thoughts and feelings, building self-esteem, balancing energy, and improving focus and concentration. Calm Kids is an initiative spearheaded by Lorrain Murrary. Our series is led by Reverend David McCormick TSSF.]
  FREE (donations gratefully accepted) - St.Nicolas' Vicarage, Great Coates Road, DN37 9NS.
  • Calm Kids: meditation for children and their parents - Thursday 26th September, 3rd October, 10th Oct, 17th Oct, 31st Oct, and 7th November.
              AGES 2-3 years - 4:00pm-40:30pm
              AGES 4-6 years - 4:45pm-5:15pm,
              AGES 7-12 years - 5:30pm-6:15pm.

The Re-Enchantment of Ministry
  • Friday 28th June 10:00am-5:00pm

The Secret Room of the Heart: Living and Praying in the Monastic Tradition:
  [The rule of St. Benedict was written in the 6th Century, and for some fifteen-hundred years has inspired men and women to "truly seek God". At the heart of the Rule is a vision of life lived in the presence of God. How can the riches of the monastic tradition of living and praying, inspired by the Rule of St. Benedict, continue to inform our busy lives in the third millennium? Can ancient monastic wisdom show us how to open the secret room of our heart?]
  Saturday 29th June, 10:00am-4:00pm, £10, light refreshments included, bring your own lunch - St.Nicolas' Church, Great Coates Road, DN37 9NS.
  • The Secret Room of the Heart - A day with Fr. Mark Barrett OBS - Saturday 29th June.

Art Day:
[A chance to spend a relaxed day participating in art in the beautiful surroundings of the small medieval church in Bradley village.]
  Saturday 6th July, 10:00am-4:00pm, £15, drinks and lunch provided, St.George's Church, Church Lane, Bradley, DN39 OAE.
  • Art Day led by Keith Whatley, in the beautiful, small Lincolnshire village of Bradley - Saturday 6th July.

Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Lives: Discover the Enneagram:
  [The Enneagram is a dynamic, ancient, spiritual and psychological model of humanity. It describes nine basic personality types, how they vary and interact, and the direct link between the psycho-logical and spiritual aspects of each. Giving extraordinary accurate insight into our day-to-day behaviour, preoccupations, strengths and weaknesses and those of our friends, colleagues and lovers. It also indicates each person's most fruitful approach to personal growth.]
  Friday 18th October-Sunday 20th October, £55 (concessions £35), refreshments provided throughout including a light lunch on Saturday, St.Michael's Church, Great Coates Road, DN34 3ND.
  • Discover the Enneagram. A weekend workshop with Karen Webb (international speaker, facilitator and author) - Friday 18th Oct 7:00pm-9:30pm, Saturday 19th Oct 10:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 20th Oct 1:00pm-5:30pm.

If interested in attending any of these, or want more information, please contact:
  David McCormick - 01472 886654,

  Joan Hackforth about Quiet Days and Afternoons - 01472 873851,

Poetry Evenings:
FREE (donations gratefully revived) - St.Nicolas' Church, Great Coates Road, DN37 9NS
For more info contact Peter Mullins - 01472 346986,
  •  John Donne - an evening of singing. Canon Peter Mullins explores Donne, with Stephaine Egerton leading the singing of songs by Donne's contemporary John Dowland - Monday 18th March, 7:30
  • Lincolnshire's earliest poet - an evening with strawberries and cream. Canon Peter Mullins explores the neglected story of the origins of the English language and the work of Brother Orm of Bourne Abbey - Tuesday 7th May, 7:30
  • First World War Poetry - an evening with a tour of war graves in the churchyard (including stories of an early flying accident and of shell shock). Some Sixth Form students from Caistor Grammar School explore what First World War poems mean to them - Wednesday 3rd July, 7:30 

Monday, 18 February 2013

This is Who We Are, This is what I am...

Reverend David McCormick TSSF is hosting a series of sessions based on personality types, their implication and how they affect your life. It's based on something called the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator and we know many who have done this before (myself included!) who have found it great fun and very insightful indeed!

THIS EVENING at 7:00-9:00 there is a FREE taster introduction evening, with light refreshments provided, at St.Michael's Church, Great Coates Road, DN34 4ND, for this series on personality types.

Question: Just how often have you noticed the remarkable differences between people? How many times have you wondered why? Why is it that some people thrive on spontaneity while others draw up plans and stick to them? How many of your friends have an eye for the detail of what is, and how many for what possibilities the future may hold? If you are interested in the many and real differences between people, or want to grow in the your own self understanding, this Soul Types series is for you.

There's 5 sessions in this soul/personality types series, but you don't have to attend them all, though you must attend the day workshop on Saturday 16th May as this session will be finding out your personality type, which will be needed for the other workshops on spirituality (Sat 11th May), conflict and meaning (Sat 28th Sept), and change and new beginnings (Sat 9th Nov). Each day workshop is £10 which includes light refreshments (you'll need to bring your own packed lunch), though if you sign up to attend them all you'll only pay £35.

If you're in any way interested or just curious about this, then please do come along to the FREE session this evening to hear more in a fun, informal setting.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Could we Start Again, please?

This evening's Ash Wednesday service (at St.Nicolas' Church, Great Coates), I'll be preaching on this:

It's a song from Jesus Christ Superstar (which I'll write a post about in due course) that Mary Magdalene (played by Mel C), Peter (played by Michael Pickering) and others of Jesus' followers sing.  I wont say too much, otherwise you'll get bored when I repeat myself this evening!  Not all of the song is relevant to my thoughts on Lent, as the song seems to be about the confusion felt after Jesus' arrested and His imminent death.  But the theme of starting again and wondering what to do next (which are strong in this song), seem very appropriate to me as we start the season of Lent.