The life, times and thoughts of a heavy metal loving, Christian Priest
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Basket case ???!!!
Maybe the weather thinks it's Christmas time, rather than Easter time?!
Nonetheless, I didn't let the weather stop me, when I had an urge for a BBQ on Friday evening..I just had one anyway!
I literally suddenly felt the urge for one and knew I had one of those disposable ones that you just light the corner of and then with no faffing around you just leave it and 20mins later it's actually wasn't that cold outside I didn't think. I sat half inside and half outside as I have those french doors that are glass and just slide open onto my back garden.
So there I sat having a lovely evening, eating burgers, vegetable kebabs, and sausages, from my BBQ, listening to music! :)
Nonetheless, I didn't let the weather stop me, when I had an urge for a BBQ on Friday evening..I just had one anyway!
I literally suddenly felt the urge for one and knew I had one of those disposable ones that you just light the corner of and then with no faffing around you just leave it and 20mins later it's actually wasn't that cold outside I didn't think. I sat half inside and half outside as I have those french doors that are glass and just slide open onto my back garden.
So there I sat having a lovely evening, eating burgers, vegetable kebabs, and sausages, from my BBQ, listening to music! :)
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
The Book of Heavy Metal!
Last week I had one of the monthly training days with all those who are in their first, second, or third year's as C of E Priest's in Lincolnshire. The topic was worship and music and I was asked to speak in the afternoon during a session on contemporary and secular music in worship. Obviously I was asked to talk about the heavy metal side of things and so I banged on for a while about how I've used it in my work -so in ministry and worship. I really enjoyed talking about the 3 big passions in my life - God, metal, and people. These 3 things are where my heart lies and what fills my heart and soul to be honest. I simply would not be George Smith without God, metal, and people, in my life.
At the session, my friend Reverend Liz Jackson talked about rock and worship, focusing on her work at The U2charist (a Eucharist service in Church, accompanied by U2 songs and focused on The Millennium Development Goals, see, and we also touched briefly on the SOS rock Eucharist service my friend Fr.Liz Brown is involved with.
The Christian message of loving God and loving neighbour is for all, and so should be available, accessible, and relevant to all. One way to do this for a growing subculture in today's Western society, in the UK, is to share the love of God and others (through actions as an emphasise far above and over, and often in place of, words) by engaging with the metal subculture in a way that is culturally relevant and accessible to Metalheads...otherwise we may as well be talking French to a group of non bilingual English folk! Ministry shouldn't be limited to any particular context, culture, or group of people, and so I aim in my ministry, and in trying to help and serve others, to share my ministry and acts of service and worship with the alternative subcultures in the UK at the moment (hopefully other Priests are sharing their ministry with other groups of people so that all are catered for, for want of a better phrase). Furthermore, life is and should be fun and so should faith and loving acts of service, so in the words of a good friend of mine, 'chill your beans' and have a good time!! Here's some ways I've aimed to do some of this so far....
Goth Worship
The first time I dabbled with bringing 'alternative' music and culture, or subculture, into my ministry was when I lead some services I labelled as 'Goth Worship' services, while I was working with youth at St.Albans Cathedral, about 7 years ago now. The services used gothic images and songs, and through meditation, prayer and music took a journey from the darkness to the light. I was influenced here by the 'Goth Eucharist', which has now evolved into 'On The Edge', at St Edward King and Martyr Church in Cambridge (
Photos and examples of prayers and readings I used:
God of all care and
compassion, you support us through hard times and never abandon us. Sometimes life seems bleak and useless when
we are feeling low, so help us at these times to sense your presence and know
that you are with us. Guide us Lord, to
know the goodness of life and to hold on to this. Give us strength when we are without
hope. Be with us when we are anxious and
help us to keep faith in your everlasting love.
And we thank you Lord that when we walk in the darkness you never leave
us without your light. Amen
Julian of Norwich reading
Heavy Metal Theology...
At the session, my friend Reverend Liz Jackson talked about rock and worship, focusing on her work at The U2charist (a Eucharist service in Church, accompanied by U2 songs and focused on The Millennium Development Goals, see, and we also touched briefly on the SOS rock Eucharist service my friend Fr.Liz Brown is involved with.
The Christian message of loving God and loving neighbour is for all, and so should be available, accessible, and relevant to all. One way to do this for a growing subculture in today's Western society, in the UK, is to share the love of God and others (through actions as an emphasise far above and over, and often in place of, words) by engaging with the metal subculture in a way that is culturally relevant and accessible to Metalheads...otherwise we may as well be talking French to a group of non bilingual English folk! Ministry shouldn't be limited to any particular context, culture, or group of people, and so I aim in my ministry, and in trying to help and serve others, to share my ministry and acts of service and worship with the alternative subcultures in the UK at the moment (hopefully other Priests are sharing their ministry with other groups of people so that all are catered for, for want of a better phrase). Furthermore, life is and should be fun and so should faith and loving acts of service, so in the words of a good friend of mine, 'chill your beans' and have a good time!! Here's some ways I've aimed to do some of this so far....
Goth Worship
The first time I dabbled with bringing 'alternative' music and culture, or subculture, into my ministry was when I lead some services I labelled as 'Goth Worship' services, while I was working with youth at St.Albans Cathedral, about 7 years ago now. The services used gothic images and songs, and through meditation, prayer and music took a journey from the darkness to the light. I was influenced here by the 'Goth Eucharist', which has now evolved into 'On The Edge', at St Edward King and Martyr Church in Cambridge (
Photos and examples of prayers and readings I used:

Julian of Norwich reading
All the time he was showing
these things to my inward sight, I still seemed to see with my actual eyes the
continual bleeding of his head. Great
drops of blood rolled down from the garland like beads, seemingly from the
veins; and they came down a brownish red colour – for the blood was thick – and
as they spread out they became bright red. / This revelation was real and
lifelike, horrifying and dreadful, sweet and lovely. / For that blessed flesh and
frame was drained of all blood and moisture.
Because of the pull of the nails and the weight of that blessed body it
was a long time suffering. For I could
see that the great, hard, hurtful nails in those dear and tender hands and feet
caused the wounds to gape wide and the body to sag forward under its own
weight, and because of the time it hung there.
His head was scarred and torn, and the crown was sticking to it,
congealed with blood; his head hair and his withered flesh was entangled with
the thorns, and they with it. Furthermore,
I could see that the dear skin and tender flesh, the hair and the blood, were
hanging loose from the bone, gouged by the thorns in many places.
Bloodstock Chaplaincy
My friend Reverend Mark Broomhead, who runs 'The Order of the Black Sheep' (, takes a team of about 10 Christians to minister at Bloodstock Festival (an annual heavy metal festival in Derbyshire, with an attendence of about 15,000 plus). The Order of the Black Sheep is a Christianity community for alternative people, based at 'The Gates' in Chesterfield. At Bloodstock we run the Welfare Tent and take care of Child Protection. The Welfare Tent is staffed 24 hours a day and we provide beds, warmth, blankets, water, hot drinks, emotional care, etc, to anyone and everyone who needs it during the 4 day event. My close friend James Lock also does this and I hope he doesn't mind the photo's I've included here of him hard at work! fact I could tell many stories about the shifts me and James have enjoyed working, from couples turning up in handcuffs and expecting us to be able to free them (we got some fire men in to do the job!..I wasn't complaining!!) to people throwing up on us, to people under the influence of drugs taking off their clothes, to people talking such utter gibberish that even we couldn't fathom them, etc etc..might have to do a post just on some of this randomnessss soon hahaha!!!)
Bloodstock 2011
Bloodstock 2012
A Very Heavy Christmas
In 2011 we started the, now annual, heavy metal carol service at Grimsby Minster ( We use traditional carols as you've never heard them before, mixing traditional carol lyrics and melodies with heavy metal guitar riffs, a live metal band, and lots of singing along, head banging, and shouting, all to bring a truly unique twist to a totally traditional celebration. I've put more details, photo's, song clips and interviews on a post earlier in the year, which can be found here at
A Very Heavy Christmas (2011)
Songs and interview clips from the first event can be found here:
A Very Heavy Christmas II (2012)
Photo's and an audio clip of 'Silent Night' mashed up with the riff from Led Zeppelin's 'Rock n Roll' can be found here:
Some metal and rock songs that, among others, I've used in Churches during worship:
'My Immortal' - Evanescence
'Somebody Someone' - KoRn
'Bliss' - Muse
'Recovery' - Still Remains
lyrics to the above:
I wake up, I want to see you, I need to hear you, I want to live your life. In my day I fail to see, I fail to seek the one that gives life.
I've looked away from your grace, You've been waiting at the gates. I've
looked away from your grace, You've
been waiting at the gates
running, you're standing still. It's
been so long since I've been here. I'm
running, you're standing still. It's
been so long since I've been here, Since
I've been here.
time to come back again, It's time to make correction, Slain
to the past. Resurrect me, Undeserving, you love me still, Slain
to the past, Resurrect me, Undeserving, you love me still.
love, I love. Your
love, I love. Your
love, I love (I've run away a thousand times. I've run away for the last
time). Your
love, I love (I'm alone with bleeding and broken hands. It's been so long since
I've seen your love).
running, you're standing still (from your love, your love). It's
been so long since I've been here. I'm
running, you're standing still. It's
been so long since I've been here.
looked away from your grace. You've been waiting at the gates. I've
looked away from your grace. You've
been waiting at the gates, Waiting
at the gates, Waiting
at the gates. Waiting
at the gates!!!
Heavy Metal Theology...
For my main thesis for my Masters degree in Applied Theology, I developed a heavy metal theology, looking in-depth at the subculture surrounding the music; the community, the music, the gigs, the values espoused, the feelings experienced, etc etc. ....more on this at another time!
Monday, 18 March 2013
This is How You Remind me of what I really am
So apparently I'm extrovert..who would've thought?! ;-)
Basically, I recently took part in a day looking at personality types, courtesy of Fr David McCormick who lead it. We used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), where Myers-Briggs has developed the work of Carl Jung, to suggest there are 16 different personality types. Through a series of questions, exercises and practical activities, to assess and measure psychological preferences (where you prefer to focus your attention, how you're energised, what kind of info you pay attention to, how you acquire info, how you make decisions, lifestyle, etc.) you end up with your 'type'. It's about what you prefer to do, what's natural and easiest to it doesn't mean you can't operate in a different way or that you don't use other skills, rather it focuses on what you'd prefer to do if you had the choice...For instance:
Would you prefer a holiday with lots of activity and people or a quiet relaxing one away from people; Do you prefer to work with facts or theories; Do you prefer to analyse the logical consequences of an action or to gauge the impact of an action on your personal convictions; Do you like to make plans or be spontaneous, etc.
Apparently I'm an 'Envisioner Mentor' (or in MBTI language, my type is labelled as 'Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging', but the words are used in a technical sense, different to how we usually use them, so 'judging' here doesn't mean judgemental!). It seemed, in my opinion, to be (scarily!) accurate!..I'll let you decide for yourself though, as I copy (unabridged and without editing) the descriptions I was given of this:
Envisioner Mentor: Communicate and share values. Succeeding at relationships. Realising dreams -their own and others. Seek opportunities to grow together. Heeding the call to a life work or mission. Enjoy the creative process. Intuitive intellect. Reconcile the past and the future. Talent for seeking potential in others. Often find living in the present difficult. Responsive and responsible. Feel real concern for what others think or want, and try to handle things with due regard for others' feelings. Can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease and tact. Sociable, popular, sympathetic. Responsive to praise and criticism. Like to help others and enable people to achieve their potential.
At their best: They are highly attuned to others, using empathy to quickly understand emotional needs, motivations and concerns. Their focus is on supporting others and encouraging growth. They are friendly persuaders who can often build consensus among people whose interests and motives are quite diverse. They often act as catalysts, including everyone and drawing out the best in other people. They can be inspiring leaders as well as loyal followers.
Characteristics: They base decisions on personal values. They use their Feeling primarily externally, radiating warmth and energy. They look for and find the best in others and prize harmony and cooperation. They are warmed by approval, responding with energy and devotion, and are especially sensitive to criticism or tensions. They see meanings and connections and can be very insightful about others. They are curious about new ideas and stimulated by possibilities for contributing to the good of humanity. They naturally see the potential for growth in others and devote energy to help others achieve it. They are sensitive facilitators. They take responsibility for organising interactions of colleagues, friends or family so that all are involved, harmony prevails and people have fun. They are energetic, enthusiastic and very aware of others. Their genuine interest can usual draw out and involve even the most reserved person. They listen to and support others but also have very definite values and opinions of their own, which they will express clearly. They are energised by people and are socially adept; however, they also have a strong need for authentic, intimate relationships. They bring great enthusiasm and intensity to creating and maintaining these. They like their lives to be organised and will work to resolve ambiguous relationships or situations. However, if people's needs conflict with schedules and rules, they will put people first. They are likely to like variety and new challenges.
They are likely to be: Warm, compassionate, supportive, loyal, trustworthy, imaginative, and creative.
Others usually see them as: Sociable, personable, congenial, gracious, expressive, responsive, and persuasive.
What initially struck me:
1) In this non-religious personality type indicator, when none of the other 15 personality types mentioned a job or what you might dedicate your life too, the one I am, said, 'heeding the call to a life work or mission'! I said, that could be deemed as scarily accurate!
2) After some complicated mathematics following a questionnaire, we plotted our scores on a scale which went something like this: Start - if you got between 0-5 you were slightly that preference, and so on, End - if you got between 25-30 you were very clearly that preference.....I got 65 for about off the scale!!!
3) My mums type was very similar to mine!..who was also off the scale for extravert with a score of over 50!!..and the personality type described as: 'Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, born cooperator, active committee members. Need harmony and may be good at creating it. Always doing something nice for someone. Work best with encouragement and praise. Main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect people's lives.'
4) I liked it and hope much of it is true
Basically, I recently took part in a day looking at personality types, courtesy of Fr David McCormick who lead it. We used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), where Myers-Briggs has developed the work of Carl Jung, to suggest there are 16 different personality types. Through a series of questions, exercises and practical activities, to assess and measure psychological preferences (where you prefer to focus your attention, how you're energised, what kind of info you pay attention to, how you acquire info, how you make decisions, lifestyle, etc.) you end up with your 'type'. It's about what you prefer to do, what's natural and easiest to it doesn't mean you can't operate in a different way or that you don't use other skills, rather it focuses on what you'd prefer to do if you had the choice...For instance:
Would you prefer a holiday with lots of activity and people or a quiet relaxing one away from people; Do you prefer to work with facts or theories; Do you prefer to analyse the logical consequences of an action or to gauge the impact of an action on your personal convictions; Do you like to make plans or be spontaneous, etc.
Apparently I'm an 'Envisioner Mentor' (or in MBTI language, my type is labelled as 'Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging', but the words are used in a technical sense, different to how we usually use them, so 'judging' here doesn't mean judgemental!). It seemed, in my opinion, to be (scarily!) accurate!..I'll let you decide for yourself though, as I copy (unabridged and without editing) the descriptions I was given of this:
Envisioner Mentor: Communicate and share values. Succeeding at relationships. Realising dreams -their own and others. Seek opportunities to grow together. Heeding the call to a life work or mission. Enjoy the creative process. Intuitive intellect. Reconcile the past and the future. Talent for seeking potential in others. Often find living in the present difficult. Responsive and responsible. Feel real concern for what others think or want, and try to handle things with due regard for others' feelings. Can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease and tact. Sociable, popular, sympathetic. Responsive to praise and criticism. Like to help others and enable people to achieve their potential.
At their best: They are highly attuned to others, using empathy to quickly understand emotional needs, motivations and concerns. Their focus is on supporting others and encouraging growth. They are friendly persuaders who can often build consensus among people whose interests and motives are quite diverse. They often act as catalysts, including everyone and drawing out the best in other people. They can be inspiring leaders as well as loyal followers.
Characteristics: They base decisions on personal values. They use their Feeling primarily externally, radiating warmth and energy. They look for and find the best in others and prize harmony and cooperation. They are warmed by approval, responding with energy and devotion, and are especially sensitive to criticism or tensions. They see meanings and connections and can be very insightful about others. They are curious about new ideas and stimulated by possibilities for contributing to the good of humanity. They naturally see the potential for growth in others and devote energy to help others achieve it. They are sensitive facilitators. They take responsibility for organising interactions of colleagues, friends or family so that all are involved, harmony prevails and people have fun. They are energetic, enthusiastic and very aware of others. Their genuine interest can usual draw out and involve even the most reserved person. They listen to and support others but also have very definite values and opinions of their own, which they will express clearly. They are energised by people and are socially adept; however, they also have a strong need for authentic, intimate relationships. They bring great enthusiasm and intensity to creating and maintaining these. They like their lives to be organised and will work to resolve ambiguous relationships or situations. However, if people's needs conflict with schedules and rules, they will put people first. They are likely to like variety and new challenges.
They are likely to be: Warm, compassionate, supportive, loyal, trustworthy, imaginative, and creative.
Others usually see them as: Sociable, personable, congenial, gracious, expressive, responsive, and persuasive.
What initially struck me:
1) In this non-religious personality type indicator, when none of the other 15 personality types mentioned a job or what you might dedicate your life too, the one I am, said, 'heeding the call to a life work or mission'! I said, that could be deemed as scarily accurate!
2) After some complicated mathematics following a questionnaire, we plotted our scores on a scale which went something like this: Start - if you got between 0-5 you were slightly that preference, and so on, End - if you got between 25-30 you were very clearly that preference.....I got 65 for about off the scale!!!
3) My mums type was very similar to mine!..who was also off the scale for extravert with a score of over 50!!..and the personality type described as: 'Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, born cooperator, active committee members. Need harmony and may be good at creating it. Always doing something nice for someone. Work best with encouragement and praise. Main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect people's lives.'
4) I liked it and hope much of it is true
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