Well November has now come and gone, and it seemed to be a funny old month in many ways. I must confess I didn't quite do all I set out to do in my list of things to do to make my life exciting..though I did do some of them. I didn't jump on a plane and go somewhere random as my friends convinced me it wasn't a safe thing to do on my own and so told me to visit them instead..though I still will do this in the future anyway (just possibly not on my own)! I didn't chain myself to Church House in London in protest of the 'no' vote to women Bishops..but only because no-one would agree to do it with me.
In relation to work...what I have done is this, been re-affirmed in my calling to work for God and God's people in ministry in the Anglican Church, and been supported and affirmed in my work by those I minister to, and even by those I don't who don't believe in God but are also sure I'm where I should be.
In relation to my personal life...what I have done is this, become aware that I am certainly already living my life in the most exciting ways possible to me (some gigs, nights out, nights in, visiting new places, seeing friends, etc, reminded me of this), and also (and this is both the most important, and the most shocking to me) had the revelation that the most exciting things in life aren't necessarily the best things or the things that will make me happiest. Yes, I love a good gig, a great festival, a holiday of a life-time, a trip attempting to save one tiny bit of the world, some mad venture in the name of charity, something adrenaline fulled which pushes your body to its extremes, something crazy or unusual just because, well, it's crazy or unusual, etc, etc. They are important and they are the memories, the stories, the laughter, that you will live with and re-live with friends and family for a long time, long after the years have faded even my dyed hair. These are the things I look forward to, the things to count down to, the things to plan for (or in some cases it's fun not to plan for!). But if they are all I had, my everyday existence would be horrendous, miserable, nothing but a waking up, going through the motions, and being thankful to cross off another day as my head hits the pillow at night.
It took a certain young man (he will love me calling him young!) coming into my life (well he didn't so much just come into my life, as, has been there in the back ground for a few years) to remind me of this, or even to make me realise all this . Because, at the end of the day, what, on my own, seems the most dullest of activities (watching the news, doing the shopping, driving to see family, washing up, etc etc) can finally be far from the dullest, but actually be things that make you smile and things that make you content. I said it a while back, but will say it again, it is not good for humankind to be alone, no, it's really not.
( P.S. I've labelled this on facebook as '
more ramblings...this time about nothing much in particular, other than where I am at the mo! (and I mean where I am metaphorically, not literally..otherwise it'd just be a post about me sat wrapped up in a blanket covered in skulls).' )