Thursday, 6 December 2012

Final Prayer

Just some final remarks on the whole women Bishop's issue...not really much more to add, just I wanted to point to a couple of things I've read or seen along the way that I found helpful, interesting, or funny! This is probably long over due, but I had a week away and then have just had the flu for a week, so been away from my computer for about a fortnight.

'Women Bishops - Another Vote'
This is a petition to 'authorise another vote in this Synod in 2013, to allow the House of Laity to reconsider the results of their vote of 20 November 2012 in the light of clearly-expressed wishes of their electorate.'  There's currently over 9,000 signatures.  Please add your own if you want to support this:

'Deeply Saddened'
The next thing is another blog, not by anyone I know personally, but by Kate who is currently an ordinand in the Church of England (i.e. training to be a vicar).  The reason I want to point to this blog is because she seems to say better much of what I wanted to say (about the hurt, but because of my hurt I think I didn't articulate it well).

'Genuine Questions About Opposition to Women Bishops'
And another blog, this time from my friend James Lock, a University student. While I've said that I don't want to bang on about the reasons for and against women Bishops (because I think the arguments against are just naff!), James raises a point I hadn't thought of before and so I thought it worth sharing. He points to the idea of vocation and discernment, and wonders how those against women's ministry, who must believe the current discernment process in the C of E and those involved with it, are getting it wrong so often by picking women, are still in a Church which they think is already failing so much.

'When I am Ordained, I shall wear Purple'
By Mia Smith, with acknowledgement to Jenny Joseph's original poem. (
When I am ordained, I shall wear purple
with killer heels and bright red lipstick
And I shall go round preaching from the Bible

...The liberating truth that Jesus calls women
and tell those who say otherwise that it is they,
not I, who are bad theologians.

I shall sit down with fellow clergy
when we are tired of fighting for equality
and going the extra mile with grace when we are put down,
And we will make up for it:
by encouraging one another as Scripture says,
and praying for those who abuse us,
and rejoicing that we are suffering
(but just a little bit) for Jesus,
And we might even eat some chocolate.

I will adopt the ordination name “Junia”,
and remind those who object,
that there may be a boy named Sue somewhere in the world,
but there probably isn’t.

But now we must face the world,
Who think we are traitors to our sex
For working for the Church
And face our brothers and sisters who think
We are being unbiblical
And face those in our Churches
who have failed to notice the pain this week has brought.
And we will go in the strength of Christ.
We will not turn our backs on our calling
Because God is not finished with the Church,
And He is faithful.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am ordained, and start to wear purple.


'Women Bishops - Ways Out of this Mess'
By Dave Walker, found in The Guardian (


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