Monday, 1 July 2013

Hymn of a broken man...

A couple of songs that made me laugh about Church....please don't take any offence, they really just made me laugh! :) thought I'd share them to make you guys smile too :)

First, Mrs. Beamish stands in Church......
(Mrs. Beamish stands in church expression calm and holy, But when the organ plays, she mumbles hymns extremely slowly....'Don't you dare shake hands with me, or offer signs of peace, You lay a finger on me and I'll call for the police. Don't whisper 'Peace be with You,' this is the C of E, So bend the knee, say thou and thee, and keep your hands off me.')

Next, Parody of Our Modern Church Service...


  1. The 'Mrs Beamish' one has been doing the rounds now for quite a while...even in Methodist circles!!

    The other one reminds me so much of the church I have just left..... both videos so true though... :)

  2. Oh yes indeed, I think I first saw/heard the Mrs.Beamish one about about 5 years ago now!
