Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Heavy Metal Thunder!!!

Today my little face and a few ramblings are in Kerrang! magazine -the world's biggest selling weekly rock magazine, and yes, what my cat Kerrang is named after!

I was asked for thoughts on the topic of rockstars turning to God, and metal and God being a positive thing in someones life, to go alongside an article my friend Eleanor Goodman (who works for Kerrang!) was putting together on Head leaving and re-joining the band KoЯn. Some folks have asked if there was a longer piece I'd done and if I'd make it available to read. So here's a few photos of the piece for you to see and read, followed by the, only slightly, longer piece I did for them on this theme....and no, I don't know why I started talking about nuns on rollercoasters either hahaha!!!

(hint: click on each picture individually and they pop up on your computer screen bigger!)


I’ve never understood why Head left KoЯn...Or why people even suggest you can’t love God and love metal. Non-one’s surprized if you’re a Christian and you enjoy horror films or gory console games, but when it comes to music, we’re supposed to like dull, manufactured, unemotional, pop drivel! Why?!..especially when Christianity and metal have much in common: joining together, recognising the darkness and negativity in life, trying to move on from it by creating a culture that encourages true happiness and love experienced through the music and community.

I guess rockstars are just like all of us, searching for wholeness, for something to fill the void felt within ourselves –for some this is just metal, but others turn to God. When someone doesn’t have a faith and then suddenly does, their worldview and values are in the mist of huge change and in searching for what their faith means to them personally, many reject all they have known to re-build their lives afresh. Consequently, some reject metal, but when more confident and knowledgeable in their faith, many come back to it, realising it’s no more damaging to their faith than a nun on a roller-coaster –yes, that actually happens!

I know many Christians and metal fans, like myself, who find huge value and support in our everyday lives from a faith in God and a love of metal. Both have positively shaped me and continue to sustain me. Yes, some aspects of the lifestyle might be seen as slightly unsavoury from a Christian perspective, but from a contemporary perspective, not many really, and obviously you don’t have to indulge in them anyway. Ultimately, Christianity is about loving God and loving people; there’s nothing in metal that prevents me, or you, from doing that.

So yes I love metal, I love the music and lifestyle, I love partying in a field with a load of people, I love the thrill of the live music as the bass pulsates around your body, I love moshing, I love wearing black, and you know what, I love God!..people might think that’s a bit weird, but isn’t that what metal’s all about?!

Also in Kerrang!, back in March, my friend Rev Mark Broomhead had an article about 'The Order of the Black Sheep' ( which he runs, and Eleanor asked me to write a reply to that article. So below are photo's of both of those.

Some previous posts with more ramblings on how metal has been brought into ministry and worship, including some pics and clips:

[I've written lots on metal and religion. I began 5-10 years ago with the idea that the metal music scene is similar to a religion and since I've noticed others have recognised this too, such as Metal Hammer magazine encouraging people to write 'heavy metal' as their religion on the 2011 census. In my MTh thesis on this theme, I explained that there's an applied theology within the heavy metal music scene, which I'm yet to see articulated in such a way elsewhere. I hope to expand my work in this area into a PhD and a book.....Soooo......if anyone reading this has the ability or contacts to offer me the chance and finance to do a PhD on this (and not just because I want to be a Doctor of metal!!!..though it'd probably be a doctor of applied theology wouldn't it?!...)  then why not get in touch so I can do this part-time while continuing to be a Christian minister. Thank you -sales pitch over!hahaha]

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